I'm Charlie Giattino, a researcher at Our World in Data.
I'm writing to let you know that your feedback form is broken: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=G96VzPWXk0-0uv5ouF…
**H7 – Vaccination policy**
Today we published a new indicator recording policies for vaccine delivery to different groups of people – ranging from availability only for key groups (eg. essential wor…
Could someone please provide the exact formulas used to calculate the `stringency index` and `containment and health index` calculation in the policy data for Covid-19.
I'm doing a research…
Hi,This is the only way to contact you, I am sorry to open such issu…
We can observe significant variation between datasets available. Ex: UK.
We could offer the user the choice between several datasets, so he could take into account those differences.
To implemen…
Do have data on when lockdown policies were affected per country?
From A21 Usability sheet