Could you add this new architecture for blind super-resolution? It looks very promising. (I'm not sure if the project is 100% complete, but the code and models are available)
**CDFormer: When Degrad…
hello PhD. TIAN,it's an amazing work.But when I tested the blind image super-resolution, I didn't get the same results as the low-resolution image.My folder directory is as follows:
From Labs. Namil Kim, [pdf](https://www.dropbox.com/s/0394h04kbfy70w6/ICCV_Review_1.pdf?dl=0)
Makeup-Go: Blind Reversion of Portrait Edit
MemNet: A persistent Memory Network for Image Restoration
Thanks for sharing your code!
In the sr_dataset.py, I see you distributed val file with scale factor. But I cannot find any code that detects HR image & LR image using image_SRF_upsacle file.
And …
(cyq) ubuntu18@ubuntu18:~/cyq/Model-Guided-Deep-Hyperspectral-Image-Super-resolution-main/TRQ3DNet-master$ python hsi_test.py -a trq3d -p gauss -r -rp ./checkpoints/trq3d/gauss/model_epoch_50_118…
在https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Zg411c7zn 这个talk第13:35秒,您提到这种迭代求解k和SR的方法在传统方法中很常见,请问您能给一些参考文献吗?
I have not found 'Kernel Estimation' and 'Noise collection ' in data codes, is it not included in release codes so far?
Nice job for solve the time problem of ZSSR!
I notice you have a kernel in input, for SR problem, kernel is important, but you do not provide any code to get kernel. How can you get the kernel?
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