### Deep Learning Simplified Repository (Proposing new issue)
:red_circle: **Project Title** : Blood Cell Detection
:red_circle: **Aim** : Create a model which will detect the blood cells.
I try this example (Blood Cell Detection.ipynb) with current versions of TF, Keras and Cuda on Windows.
I disabled early_stop.
This is my params:
IMAGE_H, IMAGE_W = 416, 4…
* Name of dataset: BCCD (Blood Cell Count and Detection)
* URL of dataset: https://github.com/Shenggan/BCCD_Dataset/tree/master/BCCD
* License of dataset: MIT License
* Short description of dataset…
I have successfully run the AA program on hundreds of samples in the past, but when I tried to run it again after a long time, I encountered this error:
[MOSEK:ERROR] Error when using MOSEK: (1001) …
# Object Counting
## Reference
- [Awesome Crowd Counting - datasets](https://github.com/gjy3035/Awesome-Crowd-Counting/blob/master/src/Datasets.md)
- [kaggle - counting dataset](https://www.kaggl…
Hello, I'm a student. I'm doing cell detection recently, using your data. But I found some problems in the use process. The number of red blood cells in the label is low. Do you have the latest versio…
The definition of http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OBI_0000630 'hematology assay' is:
> An assay that studies blood and blood producing organs using a variety of techniques and instruments
We disc…
I run the Blood Cell Detection.ipynb, the training loss: 0.0035 ,but the val_loss is 0.2372.
The predict result is:
I've trained yolov3 on mobilenet backend and get a good MAP(about 90M and 2 times faster than keras yolov3).I upload my code for mobilenet-yolov3 on https://github.com/Adamdad/keras-YOLOv3-mobilenet.g…
(Issue moved from JIRA)
Homeostatis is not modelled properly in GO. Homeostatis != regulation. Here's
my attempt to think it through from scratch - pretty much ignoring what we have in GO right now…