Now, with latest firmware it is possible to upgrade firmware for cheap HM-10/HM-11 module via UART, using serial bootloader protocol (http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/SerialBootLoader)
Thanks for really awesome project!
By the way, I want to customize BlueBasic with myself.
So, I downloaded Project files and open it with IAR.
I opened the project file in BlueBasic/Build.
BlueBasic under OSX Sierra fails:
- after connecting File/Load to device doesn't show file selector
- pasting code to the console fails to complete
xcode 8.1 doesn't support Swift 1.2 anymore. In…
Thank you very much for BlueBasic!
How to use SCAN ? I only see use SCAN to set SCAN response in iBeacon example.
Can I use SCAN to list other BLE device…
Hello, I successfully flashed BLE HM-10 module with BlueBasic-CC2541.hex file.
But now I don't how to connect.
I tried to scan for the BLE devices, but HM-10 module is not advertising any more.
Is it…
BlueBasic is using 32-bit variables. When I create characteristic for reading, the response value is 32bit long. Is it possible to respond with uint8 values ?
According to the specification: **aler…
Is the CC2541 firmware available? Can it be used with cheap HM-10 BLE module?
Is BotSpine hardware open? Is the schematic available?
Is this "console" app. mean to load basic programs on the chip? Is there a Windows version?
I understand that this repro is kind of "dead" since Tim has left the project. However this is the only place to "hope" for exchange of experience... maybe someone is reading here.