Just discovered your library and wondering: can it be used to make a esp32 convert USB midi to wireless midi over Bluetooth LE?
"Ce sont des étudiants en option Game Design. Ils ont des bases sur Unreal et Unity.
L'objectif de ce workshop est de faire imaginer aux étudiants de Game Design des périphériques et des expériences …
I'm trying to connect a BLE Midi device to my Windows 11 surface using your app. I can see my device in the app and I connect it to a virtual channel on loopMidi, but I can't see any data being transf…
thank you for your code. I have a question.
I have compiled the code in Centos 7 without problems
When i connect my keyboard i see the message "Found source port LPK25 MIDI 1"..looks good
I ha…
c1p81 updated
5 years ago
Based on:
BLE_MIDI Example by neilbags
Based on BLE_notify example by Evandro Copercini.
Creates a BLE MIDI ser…
On Unity3D you can access COM3-N, but you can't access the COM name because it is a bit tool native code.
At least not easily.
But in C# Console with the good package or Python is possible.
As …
**Describe the bug**
I loaded a slightly modified version of [BLEMIDI-Adapter.ino](https://github.com/tttapa/Control-Surface/blob/main/examples/3.%20MIDI%20Interfaces/BLEMIDI-Adapter/BLEMIDI-Adapter.…
These are probably at least two bugs. One, which causes the connection problems (might be outside of bluez) and the other which is `bluetoothd` not handling the errors gracefully.
I am trying to u…
HI, I bought a GO:KEYS MIDI keyboard for my kids. On scaning I can see GO:KEYS MIDI and GO:KEYS AUDIO.
When I try to conect my computer to my keyboard, the GO:KEYS AUDIO connection works perfectly,…
# Bienvenue dans ce guide
Bienvenue à vous dans ce guide sur comment contrôler des jeux en local sur Windows et des ordinateurs à distance à l'aide d'un entier entre -2147483648 et 2147483647.