I installed the pling using conda (conda install pling) in a new env on the linux server. I don't have admin permissions there. When I tried to run it, it showed the error:
(/discover/nobackup/bppowel1/tfv2) bppowel1@discover14:/discover/nobackup/bppowel1> ipython
Python 3.10.4 (main, Mar 31 2022, 08:41:55) [GCC 7.5.0]
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more …
/kind bug
**What steps did you take and what happened:**
Running storage initializer download with the following environment variables (global endpoint path style with separate region env) causes …
Getting the following logs for autostopping a cluster on AWS, in `~/.sky/skylet.log`
AutostopEvent error: module 'urllib3.util' has no attribute 'PROTOCOL_TLS'
Traceback (most recent call…
### Describe the bug
Creating an s3 client, when we use the 'delete_object' method, instead of making the https call, it makes the http call.
### Regression Issue
- [ ] Select this option if this i…
Trying a test using a VPC created by someone else - range is different to this, so is this configurable?
File "C:\Users\rscott\AppData\Local\miniconda3\envs\pygplates_py310\lib\site-pack…
I am using Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
Python version 3.9.19
Botocore Version: 1.10.84
**from melo.api import TTS**
Throws error
File "/home/owais/Project/DeepRESTORE/main.py", line 37, in
## Steps to reproduce
1. Clone the project
2. Run the backups integration test: `tox -e integration -- tests/integration/test_backups.py::test_backup_aws --keep-models`
3. Encounter `botocore…
### Describe the bug
When running `aws s3 cp code.zip s3://my-bucket/folder/code.zip`, it exits with code 255 and prints the following:
### Regression Issue
- [ ] Select this option i…
## Steps to reproduce
1. Clone the project
2. Run the backups integration test: `tox -e integration -- tests/integration/test_backups.py::test_backup_aws --keep-models`
3. Encounter `botocore…