I recreated this issue here: [https://github.com/mqware/gradle-project-setup-howto/tree/bouncycastle](https://github.com/mqware/gradle-project-setup-howto/tree/bouncycastle)
I added two new depende…
Dear Mr. Stedfast,
Thank you for your efforts and for creating such a fantastic library!
> The Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) specifies security requirements for cryptographic mo…
**What is the bug?**
Current version of OpenSAML (4.3.2) does not work in FIPS mode as it has a hard dependency (`org.bouncycastle.jce.ECNamedCurveTable`) on the non-FIPS distribution of Bouncy Castl…
**Describe the issue:**
**How to reproduce:**
**Expected behavior:**
**Environment information** (_Please complete the following information; remove any unnecessary fields_) **:**
- …
Hello, There is no support for bouncy castle on iOS. Apple's CryptoKit just provides method to create Curve25519 key. But there is no way in which we can encode the public key in "ASN1 X9.62" format.
I am trying to use Bouncy castle in Java 5 to support TLS 1.2 for JDBC connection. Based on the documentation, I can't figure out how to achieve this, since examples seems to be for Java 8 and above. …
# Cryptography (四. Bouncy Castle) | 平屋慢生活
不知道大家有沒有使用過 Bouncy Castle,我自己是在串接金流時誤打誤撞碰到,想當年(也才半年…)對 C# 加密、證書、簽章…都還沒甚麼概念的情況下,在網路上找到這個 Package,But…看名字還不太敢用,畢竟 NuGet Gallery 的 Candidate 多如腿毛 (這就是所謂的
The initial goal for the Bouncy Castle ECDSA Implementation should be for the Ecdsa.{java,kt} examples to work properly.
The initial goal for the Bouncy Castle ECDSA Implementation should be for the Schnorr.{java,kt} examples to work properly.
AppStoreServerAPIClient client = new AppStoreServerAPIClient(encodedKey, keyId, issuerId, bundleId, Environment.PRODUCTION);
ReceiptUtility receiptUtil = new ReceiptUtility();
String transactionId =…