An error occurs when executing the following code in the example train_bptt_state.ipynb
time_start = time.time()
res_dict = bptt.train(
Thanks for sharing this great project!
# Add warning that bptt_truncated_learning is forced to be true
# due to incomplete implementation of CUDA kernel for bptt_learnin…
Is it possible to do truncated BPTT currently?
I have a really long time series: `1411889` samples
This overflows when trying to train on any backend.
I want to find where the BPTT epoch is, but I am failed. so how many epoch the grad will Propagation in the torch-rnn? is it can changed by ourself?
For `bptt_len`, is it possible to create it dynamically? Probably following `batch_size…
Hello, thank you for your implementation. It is well written and easy to go through.
I downloaded the code and ran the synthetic hawkes data set under the default setting I found that the predicted…
When I run `python enjoy.py --model=./models/mortar_mayhem_grid.nn`, I get this python pickle error:
pygame 2.5.1 (SDL 2.28.2, Python 3.7.16)
Hello from the pygame community. https://www.pygame…
hello, i was following the tutorial. and in this code give me an error
trn_dl = LanguageModelLoader(pd.DataFrame(trn_lm,columns=['x']), bs, bptt)
val_dl = LanguageModelLoader(pd.DataFrame(trn…
BPTT(Backpropagation Through Time)는 '시간 방향으로 펼친 신경망의 오차역전파법' 뜻이라고 합니다.
시계열 데이터를 처리할 때 sequence 길이가 길어지면 GPU 메모리에 모든 정보를 올리기 어려워 truncated BPTT 기법을 사용한다고 합니다. 이 때 순전파는 끊지 않고, 역전파에서만 적당한 길이로 끊어 처리해준다…
求解。calc_delta_k 的element_wise_op按照文档描述,应该对state 求导,而不是对state_list求导,文档和代码那个是对的?