I was trying the new TF 2.2 branch. Training and testing seems to work just fine, but I've encountered an error in `manipulate_latent` function.
I couldn't figure out a solution since I've …
## 🐞Describing the bug
I am trying to convert a custom Keras layer that implements Capsule Network. The model exports but fails to load and run in Xcode.
## To Reproduce
from keras.m…
I train capsule at --epochs 50 --batch_size 400 --routings 3 --lam_recon 0.392
then got a "trained_model.h5"
but when python capsulenet.py -t -w result/trained_model.h5
I will got message:
Trying to run on TF 2 and get following:
19 # routing algorithm with updating coupling coefficient c, using scalar product b/w input capsule and output capsule
20 for …
As I explained in this issue here: https://github.com/XifengGuo/CapsNet-Keras/issues/95
I was able to resolve exporting the model and trained weights.
test_dicoms = ['test1.png','test2…
I'm trying to run the capsulenet classifier using the command below:
`python main.py --mode train_validation --classifier capsule --lang EN --sequence_length 100 --learning_rate 0.001 --learni…
github不能follow group和topic。。很猥琐。只能自己收录咯。
## github topic
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Thank you so much for such a cutting edge package! I was trying to run through the sample code for MNIST dataset but when I run the create_capsnet function, it gave me the following error message. Do …
Reshape((-1,128))應該是對應於primary capsule,
這是否是對應於128 capsule的dim而非數量?
似乎都把8-dim 當作primary …
i got the following error.
InvalidArgumentError Traceback (most recent call last)
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ops.py in _create_c_op(grap…