### The problem
To better support teams not using React, we will deliver support for web components _incrementally_. This issue will be used as an umbrella issue to track the steps necessary to achie…
### Package
Carbon for IBM Products
### Description
Expected : selectorPrimaryFocus to be focussed and not blurred
Actual: selectorPrimaryFocus is focused and then focussed again, causing the onBlu…
## Background
A number of components now have newer recommended versions in our v2 package. For each of these, we’d like to provide an automated migration script (codemod) to accompany those changes …
[Figma All themes C4IP library (view access)](https://www.figma.com/file/0F9dKH2abAd7gSfvnacfWf/(v11)-C4IP-BETA---All-Themes---Carbon-for-IBM-Products?type=design&node-id=1%3A1309&mode=design&t=6fBfTo…
This is a parallel issue to the work that @guidari has been doing in `@carbon/react`.
REF https://github.com/carbon-design-system/carbon/issues/16319
> The goal of this workstream is to increase con…
Stylelint v16 does include some breaking changes with it going ESM only.
REF https://github.com/carbon-design-system/carbon/pull/17770
- [ ] Review the m…
### Application/Team
### Summary
In order to gain community adoption and confidence from 3rd party contributors, [most vendor-supported Open Source Design Systems](https://designsystems.surf/d…
### Acceptance criteria
- Add more functionality to Combobox so it will be able to add unique values to the listbox.
- It seems that letting users set the value for the textbox is basic functionality…
The goal of this workstream is to increase confidence in each component, not just to increase coverage. It’s better to have 80% coverage with high-quality tests than 100% coverage with low-quality tes…
## Brief
There has been a recent uptick in questions in support and during office hours revolving around how to use the UI Shell component. Making some updates to the UI Shell component, in code, on …