Can you please let me know where I can find the config/checkpoint for ConvNext-S Mask R-CNN 3xMS reported in the paper(Table 3). The one in the config is cascaded Mask RCNN
---> cnn1 loading training data
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "train_leave_one_out.py", line 79, in
model = train_cascaded_model(model, train_x_data, train_y_data, options)
The weights seem to be off. Also, usually when a graph s saved, there are either three files or just one '*.ckpt' file. For the face network the weights have only two files. Nevertheless, it doesn't …
# Object detection 리서치 내용 정리 이슈
## 목표
평면 사과 이미지에서 결점을 detection 할 수 있는 모델의 설계 방법 및 데이터 형식을 고안하기 위해 다양한 Object detection 알고리즘에 대해 조사한다. 본 이슈는 관련 리서치 내용을 정리한다.
hello, thanks for you repo and i can get it for my mxnet order. and i want to know how about your trained model , is it have a good performance to closed eye, this is one point i attention,thank you ,…
## Start with the `why`:
The `why` of this effort (and initial research) is that any many applications depth cameras (and even sometimes LIDAR) are not sufficient to successfully detect objects in …
The research group of the challenge tells us:
- [AI4SeaIce: Toward Solving Ambiguous SAR extures in Convolutional Neural Networks for Automatic Sea Ice Concentration Charting](https://ieeexplore.ie…
《Cascaded Pyramid Network for Multi-Person Pose Estimation》
### 简介
- Paper: [CVPR2018](https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.07319)
- Code: [pytorch](https://github.com/GengDavid/pytor…
### 🐛 Describe the bug
When running inference on the [Lama inpainting model](https://github.com/advimman/lama) under PT2 using the supplied [predict.py](https://github.com/advimman/lama/blob/main/b…