请问cbow 和 cbow-na哪个会好一点
Thanks for sharing the code!
Sorry if the question is silly - my understanding of word embeddings is still premature and lack the required math background:
Should the SignalMatrix implementation f…
I'm working on using this word2vec (I set trainer.type(NeuralNetworkType.CBOW)) to do some representing learning staff, and I wonder **how to change the vector dimensionality**
I use **getRawVector()…
Analogous to the TransE visualization, but this time with CBOW (first order random walk sampling).
Please excuse me for asking this question here since it's not really actual _issue_ regarding gensim.
I'd like to know how I can get to the word vectors _before_ they are getting pro…
ghost updated
7 years ago
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
## 一言でいうと
### 論文リンク
1) Generate SenseGram models from 100 and 300 dimensinal word2vec embeddings generated from the ukWaC corpus. Use the ``uwac_2_cbow_100.text.model`` first.
2) Re-compute the unsupervised results …
Hi, when running
cbow = CBOWClassifier()
trainer = dy.AdagradTrainer(cbow.model) #where mode is a parameter collection
loss = cbow.get_loss(train_set[0], True)
loss_value = loss.value()