Should `bluetooth_low_energy` be managing bluetooth permissions by itself on android?
I looked at the android example, but I only see `authorize` and/or `showAppSettings` being called but when I c…
Hi thanks for your work on this. ITs great. I am interested in getting this going on my Mac so I am going to do my best to make it work. Will keep updates here if thats OK with you.
Attempting to u…
Is it on purpose that this package doesn't expose [BlueZClient.close()](https://pub.dev/documentation/bluez/latest/bluez/BlueZClient/close.html)?
Atm it seems that devs will be unable to put their …
Greetings from New Zealand, I am hoping you can assist me.
I am developing an iOS Application that requires a remote bluetooth button.
I purchased this bluetooth button from Temu;
I have a subscription on CentralManager.connectionStateChanged. It is called when state is connected, however is not called when the state is disconnected.
Trying to connect to BLE "HR monitor" device.
App should auto search all devices, found by name, connect, subscribe characteristic to notify every data change.
await CentralManager.instance.setChara…
We're observing a BLE GNSS device notification characteristic that returns a chunk of data every second. This data is generally larger than the MTU (over 514 bytes). On iOS, we get notified each tim…
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
I have a wrapper class `BluetoothHandler` around of `CentralManager` which configure the use of `CentralManager`, like in your examp…
Use "centralManager.scanForPeripheralsWithServices(nil, options: nil)", can discovery all device, but use "centralManager.scanForPeripheralsWithServices(configuration.serviceUUIDs, options: nil)", not…
I cannot connect more than a peripheral on Android at the same time (not tested on iOS).
Steps to reproduce:
- start scan
- the first peripheral is discovered then call stopScan and connectPeripher…