Fått eksempel på databehandleravtale fra Chromatic. Venter på svar fra Andreas/arkitekter
- [x] fikse open source lisens
- [ ] sette opp workflow
- [ ] sett opp en rutine for jevnlig sjekk av antall …
I think it would be cool for us to add chromatic to our project. We can use 5000 snapshots a month for free. What are your thoughts on this @arthvadrr
🔴 Title: Color Memory Challenge
🔴 Tech stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
🔴 Objective: Test the player's ability to remember and replicate sequences of colored lights that increase in length after each ro…
The following AR story keeps producing false positives in Chromatic
[Layout](https://www.chromatic.com/component?appId=637e406971a9af18ddba0505&csfId=ar-layout&buildNumber=6968):[Design: Match Report…
### Describe the bug
The build for our Storybook project is failing on GitHub Actions while running successfully in the local environment. Two days ago, the same GitHub Action passed successfully for…
## Adicionar Chromatic para Visualização de Componentes em Desenvolvimento
### Descrição
Esta issue propõe a adição do Chromatic ao nosso projeto para facilitar a visualização e revisão de compone…
deno 2.0.2
- `deno run -A npm:storybook@latest init` or `npx storybook@latest init` (select vue 3 + vite)
- `deno task storybook`
➜ deno task storybook
Task storyb…
## Summary
[Storybook](https://storybook.js.org/) と [Chromatic](https://www.chromatic.com/) の導入
- コンポーネントのドキュメント整備ができるようになる
- Storybook におけるドキュメントの主要部分である Story はイメージとしては Python や Rust の doct…