## New Indicators Requiring `ecodata` Names
- Benthic Invertebrate Index (Sarah G) = benthos_index
- Community Climate Change Risk Indicators (CCCRI; Tarsila S) = community_climate_vulnerability
- …
I am looking for a function to toggle the state between “heat” (standby) and “off” by clicking the “fire” -icon. But there is only a dropdown. How can I change it to toggle?
Performance indicators for offshore wind farms in Europe from 1977 to 2100 derived from climate projections
**In my role as....**
a climate service provider
**I need to be able to...**
calculate new, unsual and custom-defined climate indices
**in order to...**
include them as outputs in our climate…
**Proposer's name**
Lars Bärring
#### Background
Over the years the prospects for using the CF Conventions to describe various types of *derived statistics* (aka *climate …
Big request of both councils
Brandon - move data from Google form to Github
Sarah G / Joe will take that to SSB and then to council staff
### Primary Contact
### Secondary Contact
_No response_
### Data Name (This will be the displayed title in Catalog)
Bottom temperature - Seasonal Gridded
Provincial disaggregation available: https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/environmental-indicators/conserved-areas.html
Hi @jmcano-arfima, please feel free to adopt and edit this issue!
The paper 'Climate change-related statistical indicators' presents an approach based on calculating fire probability.
We considered adding SSP population projections to the emulator. They exist as masks in 10-year steps for 2020 to 2100 and I already processed them into population weight masks and population number m…