![Capture d’écran 2024-09-12 153305](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/8b12f704-432b-4300-8e43-ce65ac91d8f0)
This may be a silly question but I know almost nothing about Kerberos so I'm a bit stuck. After running your script I am unable to finish the configuration in Cloudera 5.3 because it wants a pass…
After seeing your similar repo: https://github.com/teamclairvoyant/apache-airflow-cloudera-parcel
Have you made any attempt to combine these projects, e.g. using cloudera manager to deploy a HA Air…
Can we add a new template for Cloudera?
![cloudera vm](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6886376/46709646-fe115480-cc87-11e8-8072-3f2b88d1caa8.JPG)
We are trying to use mmlspark in a Cloudera environment using Hue pyspark notebooks through livy.
All our efforts have failed and we wonder if this option is possible. The only way we've got it worki…
Hello Team,
I used your nagios plugins to monitor CDH, however I will have to move to Cloudera CDP in the coming months, does these plugins works on Cloudera CDP ?
Thanks for your help.
Best …
Is there any plan to update this repository to support cloudera 6? or is there any forks / new project that does ?
Hi All,
I want to install Dr elephant in our clouder 6.3.2 version, can any one provide me the installation steps for installing in dr elephant ?
Below is the version in our CDH cluster
It would be good to provide instructions on how to do an install using cloudera parcels. The code for creating these parcels should also live in this repository.