Hi I am trying to run the latest beta version of this library, however when I shake only the expo dev client appears.
Could you clarify if this is expected behaviour or if I should get both the ex…
I have one Windows 10 (Version 10.0.17134 Build 17134) VM on which cng.ExtractHKDF panics.
I have this happening in the real app but it is also reproducible with unit test.
(tests.exe is buil…
Acompanhar a evolução da JVM no suporte ao Windows CNG para possibilitar o uso de certificados digitais com algoritmos de criptografia mais seguros.
Rollout of freight CNG/biogas rapid beyond plausibility - it requires two major transitions and infrastructure deployment (or actually three - electricity, hydrogen and natural gas) as well as a suppo…
Testing out the idea of opening a github issue for discussion.
All RIPP implementations MUST support G.711 and Opus audio codecs.
All implementations MUST support [RFC2833] for DTMF, and MUS…
I am trying to pull a certificate needed to connect to the wifi from a unni laptop and transfer it to my phone to get access to the wifi. When trying to export the certificate with the priva…
Run: [runtime-coreclr libraries-pgo 20230910.1](https://dev.azure.com/dnceng-public/public/_build/results?buildId=401214&view=ms.vss-test-web.build-test-results-tab&runId=8669054&resultId=144932&paneV…
_From @anthonyCarton on May 22, 2018 4:51_
_Copied from original issue: GoCodeColorado/FLCDesign#81_
I was thinking that we should pass a audio with intermittent silence in between and CNG module will insert
Comfort noise in between of silecence.But looking at the code it seems its just generating f…
I think it should be good to have this approximation (Eq. A4 in https://arxiv.org/pdf/1601.05779.pdf) for the cNG in TJPCov