Hi. Which part of the code exactly deals with the co-segmentation part? Is there a way where I can only do this co-segmentation?
The dataset used in one of the tutorials seems to be a gated model, as the title suggests.
As there is no explanation of this in the tutorial, it seems that it was not gated at the time the tutorial …
I'm looking at the multidiffusion panorama pipeline page (https://huggingface.co/docs/diffusers/en/api/pipelines/panorama). It looks like there is no way to specify the segmentation and associated pro…
**Describe the bug**
fooyin 0.8.1 crashes at startup.
**To Reproduce**
Start fooyin 0.8.1.
**Expected behaviour**
fooyin should start without crashing.
**Terminal output**
is it possible to release the evaluation code for CUB, which reproduces the results presented in the paper?
With the currently available implementation, I'm unfortunately not able to reprod…
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### Feature Request
Do you think that your library can be used for semantic segmentation (pixel-wise prediction with multi classes) ?
Do you p…
### Metadata
- Authors: Kuang-Jui Hsu, Yen-Yu Lin, Yung-Yu Chuang
- Organization: Acadamia Sinica & NTU
- Conference: CVPR 2019
- Paper: http://cvlab.citi.sinica.edu.tw/images/paper/cvpr-hsu19.pdf…
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I was testing a `streamlit` simple inference for `kraken`, segmentation -> recognition, for fast visual checking some models.
I get the segmentation "regions" from `baseline_seg = blla.segment(image,…