for k in 28 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1; do python -u mnist_classification_wholenetwork.py ./data --target_size $k --num_hidden_features $j --num_train_samples 60000 --fileprefix relulr0.1…
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[Huybers (2022)](https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0011.1), analyzing the spectral content of a portion of the GISP2 d18O record, m…
Hi, is there a method in Deeptime similar to Pyemma's " pyemma.coordinates.save_traj" which can be used to extract pdb structures representing macrostates after coarse-graining using PCCA+
Hi, thanks a lot for developing the package, I am just exploring the packages and see how it can be used to analyze some EEG signals.
I tried to compare the `nk.entropy_multiscale` and `nk_entropy…
After applying Calvados on the test file hnRNPA1S, I encountered issues when trying to regenerate a full-atom model from the MD results. For some reason, the C-alpha atoms in the structured regio…
I saw the article "Protocols for Multi-Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations in Amber and Gromacs: a Case Study of Intrinsically Disordered Amyloid Beta" from biorxiv. I want to use your method to repr…
Pyan3 could use some postprocessing support:
- In a mid-sized or large project, it's currently easy to lose sight of the forest for all the trees (pun not intended). The visualization of all indivi…
in the spirit of Aluie et al 2017, JPO, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-17-0100.1
I am unable to get coarse grain files when I enter the smiles for silica or alpha cristobalite. Is auto_martini not able to make silica CG structure?
I want to use the FlowSieve package to compute the kinetic energy spectrum. It uses a coarse-graining approach, which does not have the limitations of the Fourier transform and handles boundaries well…