The table at https://github.com/CodeforHawaii/HawaiiBudgetWorksheets/blob/8ef4ce994ec64d8ac41e1afb45269f6d1744f42b/bin/Hawaii_Legislature_Budget_Worksheet_Converter.py#L81
Could use a more detailed d…
If Froide was made more modular, including to support new use cases outside of FOI, what goals should be aimed for? The thread here is meant to be a dump of ideas. There will be a separate effort to s…
Update Readmes in top level directory, KukaApp, and web directory.
As a person interested in Hawaii data, I want to be able to notify Code for Hawaii of any missing datasets (or datasets that I'm interested in) to make this a more complete resource of Hawaii data.
Currently the contact email displayed is info@codeforhawaii.org.
Should we change it to codewithaloha@gmail.com_?
In the ZipCode component, we are passing through whatever text is submitted in the ZipCode box.
In the current implementation of our map, we have overlays as a portrayal for alternative/accessory datasets. This epic tracks improvements to these overlays, whether it be the addition of new overlay…
Current implementation treats public land as a single on/off switch: Federal/State. A better implementation would separate federal and state into two overlay layers, (a) Federal and (b) State.
See …
Create a testimony history screen with a list of testimonies the user has made and their potential status.