script: vendor/bin/phpcs --report=full --report-\\Micheh\\PhpCodeSniffer\\Report\\Gitlab=phpcs-quality-report.json
codequality: phpcs-quality-…
# Feature Request
When upgrading old code bases, rector currently generates a single diff with changes of all rules.
For a more readable and reviewable git history, it is beneficial to do commits …
Manifests can be checked using `puppet parser validate`.
Plans must be checked using `puppet parser validate --tasks`
Is easy to add ESLint to the project and we can have a standard code style for all the contributions. Later when CI support is added, the code style can also be validated.
Now, which code style to…
## What problem does this solve or what need does it fill?
Users cannot create issues for code quality, only for bugs and new features. For example #5439 is neither a bug (everything works), nor a …
We have enabled Sonarqube, it has reported some bugs and code smells. Most of these are trivial.
Report: https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=SimplQ_simplQ-backend
- ESHint (to avoid tricky/WTF moments/dangerous features)
- Prettier (for consistent formatting without any debate)
I would like to add a feature to generate [Gitlab code quality](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/testing/code_quality.html) reports with `gdlint`.
**Example usage in .gitlab-ci.yml**
## Build Information
Build: https://dev.azure.com/dnceng-public/cbb18261-c48f-4abb-8651-8cdcb5474649/_build/results?buildId=749347
Build error leg or test failing: JIT/Performance/CodeQuality/Bytema…
So the deadline for level-4 iP is last week, and I have push all of the code for week 4 iP before that deadline. However, when I checked today, the tag for level-4 and A-CodeQuality disappeared from m…