Why not just use an additional step that uses `request` to ch…
🏆 Task Description: Link setting account username to the social account name
👨🚀 Skills Needed: Django
automatically setting the social account name to the username of the CodersHQ account co…
🏆 Task Description: Design an event interface system to list all events managed by CodersHQ
👨🚀 Skills Needed: HTML, CSS
### 📝Submission Requirement
- Design an event UI system using HTML & CSS…
🏆 To Do: Update the CHQ branch `tailwind` so that it has a mobile responsive menu and dashboard
⏳ Task should be completed by **Feb 20**…
### It would be better if the data was passed to the root html file in `codershq/templates/base.html`
- themePreference (can be text/varchar): default value would be _**light**_ and _**dark**_ woul…