/ Ein Netz für Kinder (http://codingdavinci.de/downloads/workshops/ALPHABET-Foerderprogramme_Franz.pdf)
/ Senatskanzlei für Kulturelle Angelegenheit (http://codingdavinci.de/downloads/workshops/ALPHAB…
initially as a complement to
but in the long term as a potential replacement.
no data anymore for https://codingdavinci.de/daten/#nationalmuseum-schweden
-> für die Projekt Infos im Hackdash
Die Sounds des Museum für Druckkunst Leipzig sind nicht mehr online. Kann das bitte gefixt werden.
As included in the API documentation. Example could also be used from other application, for instance http://verbrannte-und-verbannte.de/person/163 (see https://github.com/jlewis91/codingdavinci/blob/…
Linking to codingdavinci.de or a subsite thereof on Facebook does show the incorrect image, apparently the OKF-Logo, as it is the most prominent picture in FB's eyes. The CDV-(Nord)-Logo is skipped pr…
Individual dataset descriptions should better be expressed in YAML instead of [/daten/index.html](https://github.com/codingdavinci/codingdavinci.de/blob/gh-pages/daten/index.html). HTML view can then …
See https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=https%3A%2F%2Fcodingdavinci.de%2F 😞