首先感谢作者提供如此好用的工具。我在VScode中用Markdown preview enhanced 来渲染markdown文件,这个插件提供了一个自定义的接口,用户可以自己定制环境并设置CSS样式。下面是 `parser.js` 文件内容:
// Please visit the URL below for more information:
// https:/…
Is it possible to define extensible structures whose components are proper classes (e.g., large categories)?
The current definition is incompatible with such structures presumably due to the fact t…
[In OSM World Discord](https://discord.com/channels/413070382636072960/634106496560398349/1206670368761184346), a mapper suggested shading each administrative area in a different color from its neighb…
1ec5 updated
2 months ago
## 🚀 Feature
Give the possibility to show labels colors using 4 color theorem (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_color_theorem)
## Motivation
This is really convenient when two touching object…
When you start playing a game that eventually unlocks a lot of theorems/definitions/tactics, you see them in the inventory from the beginning (in a different color and with a lock sign, but they are v…
import Markdown, { MarkdownIt } from 'react-native-markdown-display';
import markdownItKatex from '@iktakahiro/markdown-it-katex';
import wikilinks from '@gerhobbelt/markdown-it-wikilinks';
There are some minor issues of the html output of theorem div. I am using quarto v0.3.114 on mac os.
A minimal example:
::: {#thm-line}
The equation of any straight line, called a linear…
I see you create for pdf, html.
I use revealjs in quarto for create slide html.
I want to use your _extension with color [948bde, 584eab] for "Theorem" in revealjs with quarto. But color "Theorem" …
Title. I would like to suggest a few UI improvements to the game.
- The player should have the right to hide/unhide the locked concepts (tactics, definitions, theorems...) with a button on each top…
Single day events should be below multi day and not have background color.
4 different colors for completed events?