Random, RoundRobin, LeastActive, ConsistentHash, etc.
**Bug 描述**
工程下载下来后,解决工程爆红问题后。直接idea install 出现如下错误。为什么工程要加载单元测试案例
Node{key=8, value=''}
Node{key=10, value=''}
Node{key=100, value=''}
this implementation has bugs
below is test case
test('Should getHash - be same always be same', async () => {
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
const ring = ['aaaa', 'bbbb', '…
一致性 Hash 常用于缓解分布式缓存系统扩缩容节点时造成的缓存大量失效的问题。一致性 Hash 与其说是一种 Hash 算法,其实更像是一种负载均衡策略。 GroupCache 是 golang 官方提供的一个分布式缓存库,其中包含了一个简单的一致性 Hash 的实…
curious how you guys use consistenthash.go without the Remove method. Isn't the whole beauty in the ability to make some keys unavail by removing them from the "ring" /hash value list?
With corresponding to Dubbo-java load balance module, load balance has 5 kinds of load balance algorithms to implement:
1. Random
2. RoundRobin
3. ShortestResponse
4. LeastActive
5. ConsistentH…
tl;dr: CEL cost is extremely restrictive, in particular with arrays, despite not being logically more expensive than native OpenAPI expressions
### What happened?
1. I migrated a very complex, N…
'addRoute consistentHashing graphite xx.xxx.xxx.xx:2004 pickle=true xx.xxx.xxx.xx:2004 pickle=true xx.xxx.xxx.xx:2004 pickle=true'
Give me the error:
▶ ERRO could not apply init cmd…