Hi @fradif96
We don't have new modules for cross/self-attention. It's the same attention layers but just reshape the latent features from ((b t) l d) -> (b (t l) d) [here](https://gith…
Below are models that we still need to implement
# Will implement
These are models for which we are actively seeking implementations/weights.
## Model implementations
- [x] VGG
- [x] ResN…
Hi there,
thanks a lot for all your great repos and implementations!
I've wanted to try this for a segmentation problem and I've had issues training on colabs 40GB GPU with dimensions 256x256. …
作者您好,在运行python train.py ./args_files/args_res50_kitti_192x640_train.txt时,会报错Hugging Face Hub连接超时错误,请问这该如何解决。或者我能否手动下载模型权重文件,然后将其放置在脚本期望的位置?具体文件名称和位置能否请您告知一下。
(/data/ccy/env/SfMNeXt) ccy@kxB1…
Can ConvNeXtUnet.py be used as a backbone of image segmatation
Which model do you want to support in mmdeploy? Comment here. You can like a comment to increase model priority.
| | Model | Codebase | Backend | Number of likes | Released
| :--- |…
Hello and nice work! My question is how to finetune the model on KITTI?
I tried with the script ./finetune/train_ft_SQLdepth.py but cannot get good enough results. Only abs_rel 0.0494 and rmse 2.182.
Dashboard to track the performance of torchinductor on CPU.
cc @ezyang @msaroufim @wconstab @bdhirsh @anijain2305 @zou3519 @soumith @ngimel @chauhang
Thank you for quickly implementing this model @lucidrains ! Maybe you already have or are planning to do this -- "To manage the computational requirements of training our models, we only train on a sm…
When I attempt to load the pretrained weights you provided for EfficientNetB5, there appear to be some mismatches between the keys in the state_dict. Loading the weights was quite straightfor…