## Description
As per the documentation [1], when configuring the WebLogic server with WSO2 Micro Integrator, it instruct to build the Web Logic client jar retrieved from the WebLogic server product …
Is there a likely deployment descriptor problem or class not found exception that is responsible for the following? Could we include the cause exception or at least log it?
Exception call stack fr…
We have a time tracker application where clients connect to GFv3.1 over IIOP on VPN. The client connects to the EJB server every 90 seconds. when the client is put to sleep and reawakened, it is unabl…
**Host machine and operating system**
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86_64)
**Compiler name and version (including patch level)**
gcc version 6.1.0
**The probl…
Running GF Quicklook with JDK7U25 or later causes a test failure:
[testng] ===============================================
[testng] ejb_remoteview
[testng] Tests run: 3, Failures: 1, Skips: 2
The rabbitmq-server package installation failed during the Puppet configuration :
Error: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install rabbitmq-server' returned…
### Version
### Host machine and operating system
CentOS 7 Linux 3.10.0-1127.13.1.el7.x86_64 on a generic PC with Intel i7 CPU.
### Target machine and operating system (if d…
`Unsafe.ensureClassInitialized()` is a jni method to initialize a class if it hasn't been initialized. Calling to this method will always land in the VM regardless of the class' initialization status.…
mech-user@test1-pc:~/2015winter/2015-soft3/20151118/src/enshu_20151118$ ./echo-server -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaloc::iiop:
*\* (process:7429): WARNIN…
gdbで実行したらこんな感じで, no such file ... typename.c みたいなエラーとおもにセグフォって落ちるので, コンパイルするときにpythonのバージョンをミスっている可能性が高い.