### Elasticsearch Version
### Installed Plugins
_No response_
### Java Version
### OS Version
### Problem Description
Inference on an NLP model fails during tokenization wi…
## How to reproduce the behaviour
## Your Environment
## Info about spaCy
- **spaCy version:** 3.7.5
- **Platform:** macOS-10.16-x86_64-i386-64bit
- **Python version:** 3.9.13
- **Pi…
### System Info / 系統信息
cuda =12.1 torch =2.3.0 transformers=4.40.0 ,显卡是Tesla V100-PCIE-32GB
### Who can help? / 谁可以帮助到您?
### Information / 问题信息
- [X] The official example scripts / 官方的示例…
### Advanced Extractive Text Summarization Model! This project uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to automatically distill essential points from lengthy content, making it an invaluable…
I am getting below error when i run my python script dealing with importing keras_nlp.
**cannot import name 'CachedMultiHeadAttention' from partially initialized module 'keras_nlp.src.layers.modeli…
I am getting the following error when I try running `report_numerical_issues()` from the DiagnosticToolbox. I should note that this was working fine until I updated my WaterTAP environment--just haven…
I get the following error when running NER: `TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable`
After debugging the error, I found out that it is trying to access the document's `text` attribute, b…
**Describe the bug**
When using `nlp.pipe` with `hu_core_news_lg` with multiple processors, I'm seeing the following error:
ValueError: [E871] Error encountered in nlp.pipe with multiprocessi…
Currently, the us-core-6 attachment data/url check for DocumentReference [is skipped](https://github.com/smart-on-fhir/cumulus-library-data-metrics/blob/main/data_metrics/us_core_v4/documentreference_…
## 문제 설명
_전에 3.3.4 버전으로 잘 실행되던 앱인데 3.3.9로 버전을 올리고
앱을 실행하는데 전에 안 나던 에러가 자꾸 납니다.
에러 로그는 아래와 같습니다.
E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
Process: com.inkosoft.popupbook, PID: 28299