Disconnect first, then connect, there is a chance of crash.
Fatal Exception: NSInternalInconsistencyException
0 CoreFoundation 0x83f20 __exceptionPreprocess
1 libobjc.…
Una guia facil para el uso de Bluetooth con iOS
Testing device: iPhone 11 on iOS 14.5
LMI SDK version: 5.11
Currently, according to the documentation, the bluetooth permission is required as bluetooth is used to "send information about the devi…
It would be nice to have the CoreBluetooth module in the repository. I wanted to add it, but I faced with several issues. If you can help me with these I can handle the rest and [creating the PR](http…
Is possible to wrap CoreBluetooth API into iSH? Like what Pythonista Module did.
![스크린샷 2022-12-23 오전 1 09 02](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16702158/209175271-674dd55c-0ae9-4ed8-8794-5323c5d00e40.png)
android is goo…
Getting error when searching nearby for friends. API is getting called fine, but getting these errors:
RoomManager:createRoom: Trying Room Number: Optional("-LEUWb8knMUzOmmB…
In order to have state restoration, I have implemented following initializer:
`let options = [CBCentralManagerOptionRestoreIdentifierKey:"com.lifeleaf.app.watch"]
CBCentralManager c = CBCentralMana…
**Describe the bug**
When advertising a program in bluetooth peripheral mode, the local name is not broadcast when using pyobj vs Objective-C.
[CBPeripheralManager startAdvertising](https://devel…
**Platform on which you observed the bug:**
- [ ] Android
- [x] iOS
- [ ] Other
- [ ] Platform is not relevant for this bug
**Device on which you observed the bug:**
- [ ] Polar OH1
- [ ] P…