### Description
I have an app that uses the barometer and initializes it upon app startup. On iOS 17.4, calling Barometer.Start() results a hang. Using the debugger, we can see the exception thrown…
UIAccelerate has become deprecated.
CoreMotion is needed for ofxiOS.
looking at https://github.com/trentbrooks/ofxCoreMotion for the job.
@trentbrooks, feel free to insert some wisdom here :)
### Plugin
### Use case
to track user's absolute altitude changes
### Proposal
将手机自带传感器的motion/acceleration数据通过mqtt发到macbook上的local mqtt broker
终于跑通了, 先备份一下, 晚点再整理.
![screenshot 2018-07-31_23-43-59](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1049271/43580628-b0fa212a-9688-11e8-…
### Device / Emulator and OS
- Device: iPad Air (5th generation)
- OS: iOS 17.6.1
My app works fine with my device but iOS review keeps rejecting my app since it crash when app is on launch…
Its quite simple, trying to open the game makes it crash instantly.
Using CrashReporter to see what went wrong says that `/System/Library/Frameworks/MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.framework/MetalPerf…
**Steps to reproduce the problem:**
1. Configure the SDK and use on iPhone X, iPhone XS or iPhone XS Max
// WalkTask is a basic ORKOrderedTask
let taskViewController = ORKTaskViewController(ta…
I test `PKHUD` in `viewDidAppear`
HUD.show(.labeledProgress(title: nil, subtitle: "loading..."))
still got Thread Error, but I'm sure `HUD` run in main thread!
opened :`Main thread c…
This message appears in the console when I call `KVNProgress.show`:
Main Thread Checker: UI API called on a background thread: -[UIApplication applicationState]
PID: 2105, TID: 410020, Thread…
#### Description
This is a duplicate of radar #45003816. We encounter the same issue when using UIInterpolatingMotionEffect. The Main Thread Checker kicks in on an iPhone XS@12.1.
iPhone …