Attach a covid tracker with covid19india.org or any other API and collect data of only India and its states. Try to line graphs to show the change
When I tried to run the scraper this evening, I got an error that this 2018 US Census Excel file no longer exists. The file also fails to load when I paste the URL directly into a …
if i try this :
import COVID19Py
covid19 = COVID19Py.COVID19()
loc = covid19.getLocationByCountryCode("BD")
i get error : HTTPError: 503 Server Error: Service Unavailable for url: https://coron…
Please check what is the issue we are not able to see data
Please do the needful to fix.
Thanks in advanced
![Screenshot_2021-04-04-21-18-36-252_com tracker covid19_india covid19_tracker](https:/…
GitRepo: https://github.com/usman64/covid19-Tracker
URL: http://covid19-tracker-usman.surge.sh/
There are several projects and databases that aggregate and clean COVID-19 clinical trials data. We could add an auto-updating statistic, figure, and/or table reporting information about clinical tri…
Once again thanks for all the hard work in maintaining this tracker!
Osaka numbers seem very out of whack compared to the official site https://covid19-osaka.info
Each time add a covid19tracker layer I get the following pandas error:
2020-04-20T14:12:44 WARNING Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\OSGEO4~1\apps\Python37\lib\s…
The scraper fails with the following
Waiting timed out in 60 seconds
1. GoToURL(url=https://public.tableau.com/views/EpiProfile/DemoStory?:embed=y&:showVizHome=no)
2. WaitFor(locators=[(…
Some countries report several testing numbers and we would like to add that in the tracker. @angelicambg could you have a look at these websites and see which ones could be automatically scraped? In b…