Could a function next to `Step Into` and `Step Over` be added (named `Step Out`?) that executes until after a `RET`?
When stepping through the code, after using Step Into to step into a `CALL`ed su…
There are many places where we need to know the how many bytes were used under a label. For example, when we LDIR routines, or need to loop over a string.
Normally, we have to add extra labels to m…
- [ ] Spiral,
- [ ] FrodoPIR,
- [ ] OnionPIR,
- [ ] SealPIR,
- [ ] FastPIR,
- [ ] BasicPIR (rename this to Paillier PIR)
- [ ] TrivialPIR
- [ ] BatchedPIR
Different stages in CPIR sch…
1. After running the task several times in a row, the same message is displayed several times. No way to clea…
HD64180のCPIR/CPDR命令で、A == (HL) の時にリピートを終了する処理が不足しているのではないでしょうか。
hd64180/hd64180ops.cpp のREPEAT_UNTILマクロを見ると BC == 0 になった時のみリピートを終了するように読めました。
on fait toujours TICKER START,variable (existante ou non)
pour arrêter
TICKER STOP,variable (existante ou non, mais la même que pour le start) => résultat en NOP des machines Amstrad
At the moment the new c lib contains the following sort of functions to access the zilog family's block i/o. The classic lib has something similar.
extern uint8_t z180_inp(uint16_t port);
While writing a demo for SAM I have noticed a difference between MIST core and SimCoupe/real hardware when the code is executed from the external RAM. I have prepared the small example code to show it…
If only I knew how to fix this myself I would happily make a PR. But I couldn't easily figure out
how this is done, so:
0000 ed b0 ; ldir |
0002 ed ; db 0xe…
CPD, CPDR, CPI, CPIR compares A with the value of the address that HL points to __“after”__ being incremented (CPI, CPIR) or decremented (CPD, CPDR) but “before” being incremented (CPI, CPIR) or decre…