New API Proposal - APIQueryTheNumberOfTimesAuserSpendsMoneyOnAnAccount
The service will provide the account opening、 cancellation and credit rating of the current ID based on the ID information.
### Description
I was not credited with a rating for the game id7986421915, I made a double bet and the rating was not credited, I won two doubles and lost the third and the rating became lower
I ha…
120 Points
Fleet Size & Credit Ratings
Ryder would like the ability to export credit score when exporting a list of companies. …
La pagina de votaciones de usuario ha cambiado, por lo que ahora no funciona el codigo
This is a review for your fullstack-project. You do not need to implement possible suggestions for improvement mentioned here to receive your credits.
## User experience
- The applicatio…
I'd like to use a value for coloring but not show in my tooltip. The example is a credit rating - e.g., AAA AA A BBB, etc - I want to color based on that, but really I'd have to create numerical valu…
Several ideas about README - I think both acceptance a and development can work faster if there is a central use case how thansition matrix should work.
As of now the documentation relies on the u…
Patch to make the demo compatible with recent DataFrames versions:
< model.big_numbers_count_good_credits[] = data[(data[:Good_Rating] .== true), [:Good_Rating]] |> nrow
< mo…
- [x] Details
- [x] Account States
- [x] Alternative Titles
- [x] Changes
- [x] Credits
- [x] External IDs
- [x] Images
- [x] Keywords
- [x] Latest
- [x] Lists
- [x] Recommendations
- [x] R…
Could scrape this from different providers from Wikipedia or related sources:
I'd probably write a parser to pull it from Wikipedia int…