Create, Read, Update, and Delete functions.
- [x] GET-request for single book by ID
- [x] GET-request for books' list with optional search parameters
- [x] GET-request for genres' and authors' lists
- POST/PUT/DELETE-requests for (**adm…
Develop functions to create, read, update, and delete records using the ORM.
- Create API endpoints for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations to interact with Firebase data
Develop backend APIs to handle creation, retrieval, updating, and deletion of time slots.
## Bug report
### Required System information
- Node.js version: v18.20.4
- NPM version: (enter your version here)
- Strapi version: 5
- Database: sqlite3
- Operating system: Ubuntu (or ente…
As a developer, I need to use an ORM for database operations, so that I can perform CRUD operations efficiently.
#### Description
Adding, removing, changing effects.
[Figma link](https://www.figma.com/design/w2kAh1gKKV5bu7htY7158W/Effects?node-id=4300-34723&t=TDZyHZwG7nOo0of7-4)
### Issue Title: *Create CRUD operations for Album Roles table*
- Implement CRUD operations for the `album_role` table.
- This table is used to manage user roles for spec…