Would it be possible to make the plugin ignore BOTS/GOTV?
I am receiving the following error logs:
L 08/21/2024 - 23:01:34: [no_dupe_account.smx] [ ZK Servidores™ ] GOTV (BOT) database status…
### What happened?
Server crushing when plugin is trying to load
If i remove CSPracc plugin, server starting normaly
### Plugin Version
### Which metamod version are you using?
Control a bot after you die. This functionality exist in CSGO. When players die, they can press `E` button to control the bot until they die or end of round.
Have the bots chat and make it feel more alive (the RSE MW2 mod does this)
Checking protobufs...
Found protobufs
Opening database...
There are a total of 2571 operational accounts
Parsing target account...
Chunking 30 accounts into groups of 20...
Parsing server…
I've tried to install the denpencies one by one, but won't work properly. could you please make a install guide?
node index.js
throw err;
Error: Cannot find module './helpers/Target.js'
Require stack:
- C:\Users\Lukas\Desktop\csgo-commend-bot-master\index.j…
#### Your system information
Computer Information:
Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
Model: B760M DS3H DDR4
Form Factor: Desktop
No Touch Input Detected
Processor Information:
próbowałem zrobić commend bota do cs go. Wszytko szło dobrze, normlnie dopóki nie musiałem wpisać npm install. Po wpisaniu tego do WinowsPowerShell pojawiał sie błąd (zdjęcie). To samo dzieje …
Hi there :)
This plugin has had a very very very warm welcome between our clan members, we used a parachute a lot in CSGO.