Kye Gomez @kyegomez is threatening to sue openAI unless he is paid $10 million dollars for the use of the word "swarm" despite lying about owning the trademark, which is owned by some other company ht…
### Describe the Problem
Currently there is no client for image generating models like Dalle3 or titan image generator under foundation models. Can you add this please?
### Propose a Solution
Hi Carl,
DALLE3 macht einen guten JOB :-)
![DALL·E 2023-10-11 17 39 58 - Illustration of a smartphone placed next to a desktop microphone The phone screen displays the ChatGPT Voice Assistant app…
--env AZURE_OPENAI_MODEL_MAPPER=gpt-4=40,gpt-3.5-turbo=35,dall-e-3=Dalle3,gpt-4-vision-preview=vision,whisper-1=whisper
Dalle3 and whisper are not working.
- **Package Name**: `azure-monitor-query`
- **Package Version**: `1.4.0`
- **Operating System**: Docker Container (`mcr.microsoft.com/devcontainers/python:1-3.11-bookworm`) on Windows 10
- **Python Ve…
I am curious how To use Dalle3 for Image generation in Flowise AI,
is there any built in tool for this? if no
can anyone help me create a custom Tool for generating images by Dalle 3 or Stabil…
openai.BadRequestError: Error code: 400 - {'error': {'message': 'size not supported for this image model (request id: 202405051132032498639127349253)', 'type': 'one_api_error', 'param': '', 'code': 's…
Hey thanks for the amazing work!
I tested the model on Sythbuster Dataset (1000 images each from dalle2, dalle3,firefly, midjourney_v5 each compared separately with RAISE_1k images) with 16 patch s…
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