**Describe the bug**
Nothing happens after running darknet_ros.launch
weights seem to have loaded, and the image topic is fine, but nothing happens.
The same code is normal on my other machine
Hi, im new in ros and im facing a problem in building darknet_ros in ros2 humble version. How can I fix this problem?
colcon build --packages-select darknet_ros
Starting >>> darknet_ros
Ubuntu 18.04
Kinect v1
I followed all through "README", but I still got an error like this :
[ INFO] [1558455233.638429916]: [YoloObjectDetector] Node started.
[ INFO] [1558455233.640436069]: [YoloObjectDetec…
error lookes below:
[darknet_ros-1] process has died [pid 23440, exit code -11, cmd /home/shanyx/catkin_ws/devel/lib/darknet_ros/darknet_ros camera/rgb/image_raw:=/image_raw __name:=darknet_ros __l…
**Describe the bug**
So I am new to this and trying to build darknet_ros. I have build it under the foxy branch.
I have encoutered many syntax error such as `show_image `not getting enough para…
Following your awesome tutorials, I am stuck on the 11th https://github.com/Intelligent-Quads/iq_tutorials/blob/master/docs/intro_to_yolo.md
After installation of `darknet_ros` and modifica…
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./tools/ros_eval_ycb_message.py", line 10, in
from darknet_ros_msgs.msg import BoundingBoxes, BoundingBox
ImportError: No module named 'darknet_ros_m…
After I set up the environment, I run this command
**roslaunch darknet_ros darknet_ros.launch**
However, I met errors.