As part of this task, each resource in CCO should bear a cross reference annotation to the equivalent dbpedia resource. Such mappings can be used to automate data enrichment tasks and have broad usage…
Criteria for addition and quality are available here:
运行 DCL目录下的train.py的时候,产生了如下报错,然后发现,无论是wos还是dbp,都会有一些xxx.txt的文件错误,请问可以分享相关的数据吗?
`label2 = [line.strip() for line in open(os.path.join(data_path, "formatted_data", "label2.txt")).readlines(…
produces from rdflib:
Error: Fetcher: Unsupported dialect of XML: not RDF or XHTML namespace, etc.
See https://github.com/LiUSemWeb/HeFQUIN/issues/356#issuecomment-2316901615 and the following comment.
Could we ask an LLM to produce a text description of the query ? if we pass it the SHACL config with labels and the query ?
if there is any source about dbpedia.spo(in english not CnDbpedia) ,thanks!
Voilà ce qu'on a:
Hi, I am interested in using the approach and pretrained Models you presented in your paper to implement standalone QA components that can generate SPARQL queries for natural language questions.
I am using a public SPARQL endpoint as knowledge source for DL-Learner but I cannot get it running. Is there any workaround? More details on the errors below
java.lang.RuntimeException: org.sp…