Hi Lin. Here's the error log -
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/chenyuanjian/SoundEventDetection/GuidedLearning/main.py", line 326, in
test_models(task_name, sed_model_name, …
Hello, I have run through the model,but I don't known how to test the model?
Is the test done during training?
Sorry, it seems like the link for download the weight of the model has expired, could you please update that link, many thanks.
The --taxonomy_level=$taxonomy_level in runme.sh, line 27 , is supposed to be --taxonomy_level=$TAXONOMY_LEVEL
Dear qiu, I found that the evaluation dataset of this task can't be downloaded from the official provided link. Could you please provide me an available link to download the evaluation dataset ?
Hi there,
I cannot run the baseline model because files download checking is not correct.
My code is the following one:
db = DCASE2018_Task4_DevelopmentSet(included_content_types=['all']…
attempting to load x from cache at datasets/cached_datasets/d19t1\tr_mean_452f8f_f1_apd18_stereo_obj.pt...
Invalid cache datasets/cached_datasets/d19t1\tr_mean_452f8f_f1_apd18_stereo_obj.pt , recompu…
In my understanding, pred_strong should be an array of 2 dims: (BatchSi…
Hi, I tried your python script but can't achieve this performance.
52.8% (+-0.6%) event-based F1-score
For us, F1-score was about 30%.
What should I do to reproduce ?
Hi, May I ask where should can get the wav files listed in /dataset/text/eval-2019.lst file? I have tried to download relevant datasets such as DESED_synthetic, DESED_public_eval. But the file names…