### The Importance of Configuring the Jolicode/Elastically Bundle to Distribute DTOs and Mappings Across Multiple Directories
In the development of complex applications, architectures such as Domai…
- Fazer o planejamento de um sistema de cadastro de pessoas físicas e pessoas jurídicas
- Não usar um banco de dados (por hora)
- Esse sistema não tem pretensão de crescer
Numeric day of the year (e.g. 281, representing October 15) does not seem be supported.
Tried: D, DD, DDD patterns as noted on the unicode tables.
Preview / output is either or ERROR
Hello, I’m using this book to study DDD. At the same time, I wanted to incorporate recent trends into my learning, so I started studying…
Short answer : no
> It is possible to do Aggregates without doing Event Sourcing and to do Event Sourcing without doing Aggregates - and it may be that the latter is a better fit if you find most o…
## Description
A master list of issues associated with platform enhancements, technical debt, DDD model + structure alignment, unit test coverage, etc.
### Project Owner
## 1. Test…
### Type of issue
### Description
Code block example has regular text inside of it on PDF Version:
### Page URL
**Modularization and Distribution**
Chapter 3 ("Modularisierung") needs to distinguish much more clearly between
a) internal modularization and
b) distribution.
Cf https://github.com/isaqb-or…