observing the following error while running deep ctr on the gpu:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "main.py", line 31, in
model.fit(loader_train, loader_val, optimizer, epochs=5, ver…
After installation of DeepCTR via `python setup.py install`, I get the following error:
``` python
cuda ready...
Train on 4 samples, validate on 0 samples, 2 steps per epoch
0it [00:00, ?…
## 背景
PyTorch 最近在 2.1.0 版本发布了 `torch.export` 功能,提供了以 PyTorch 2.x 的 dynamo 为核心的模型导出方法。其功能上与我们 Paddle 动转静模型导出 `paddle.jit.save` 相类似,因此我们想要建设一个 repo 能够自动对比 `torch.export` 和 `paddle.jit.save` 的导出成功与否,[…
I'm trying to install your package, however, versions (0.2.2>) does not support the Macos with M1 chip.
Currently the following is required;
REQUIRED_PACKAGES = ['torch>=1.2.0', 'tqdm', 'scikit-…
I am running your code but I want to run with a different data set. When I read the DataLoader code, I found that the extracted training set has a specific format. I looked at the original tenserflow …
### 🐛 Describe the bug
Hi everyone,
I am trying to use `DistributedRandomSampler` in the C++ frontend. However, it is not behaving as I would expect: it uses the same random order of examples in e…