Im using Ubuntu 18,04 and with all the specified versions you recommended.
This is the error im getting with multiple apps, never got it working.
WARNING: Cannot find/read the m…
_**This is part of the answer when using deoptfuscator:**_
Error : .apk/classes4.dex
/root/deoptfuscator/tools/redex-all: [error while loading shared libraries: libboost_iostreams.so…
I'm getting the following error written to .stderr by OTool:
/home/ubuntu/deoptfuscator/android/bin/OTest: error while loading shared libraries: /home/ubuntu/deoptfuscator/android/bin/../lib/l…
getting below error.
on further debugging, no files were found in path ~/deoptfuscator/.apk/const
I: Copying unknown files...
I: Copying original files...
I: Copying META-INF/service…
Machine built precisely to version and following steps.
Environmental variables se…
location : True
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "deoptfuscator.py", line 24, in
File "deobfuscator/deobfuscator.py", line 20, in m…
Error: Unable to access jarfile /apktool.jar
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "deoptfuscator.py", line 18, in
dex_li = [a for a in os.listdir(".apk") if a.endswith(".dex") and a.start…
location : True
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "deoptfuscator.py", line 23, in
File "deobfuscator/deobfuscator.py", line 20, in m…
So... It says that it couldn't find OTest
I: Using Apktool 2.4.1 on XXXXXX
I: Copying raw resources...
I: Copying raw classes.dex file...
I: Copying raw classes2.dex file...
I: Copying raw…
I think there are still some modules required to run this tool
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "deoptfuscator.py", line 19, in
File "deobfusc…