## Issue Description
Type: *feature request*
### Describe what happened (or what feature you want)
为 Sentinel 集群流控添加分布式并发控制的能力。
Add distributed concurrency control capability in Sentin…
## Challenge
Desire to have TFE Pods to be automatically distributed across the available nodes.
In our experience without adding an affinity to our overrides, there is a chance that the 2 of th…
## Issue Description
Type: *feature request*
### Describe what feature you want
Currently Sentinel only supports local flow control. It's necessary to support distributed flow control for…
Hi, I have **one control sample**, and the prevalence method in Decontam is not effectively identifying contaminants. The p-values seem distributed evenly, and the isContaminant() function isn’t marki…
Ie this is how some GLTF extensions or plugins in the examples foldre can be distributed while keeping the core folders more organized.
- Controls
- CameraTransitionManager
- Debug he…
Proposed API for distributed control management. I believe it should be as flat as possible and provide two simple GET endpoints for fetching access info.
Users, and not groups, can be members of a …
### .NET Aspire issue link
_No response_
### Overview
The [Particular Service Platform](https://particular.net/) is a popular service that is used to build distributed systems with NServicebus. Hav…
The scheduler currently relies on a crude heuristic to infer topologies that may suggest that certain tasks are "root-ish". If the tasks are detected as such, they are "queued" to avoid memory pressur…
- Module folder names must be kabob-case
- Handelbars partials should be PascalCase
- Any module has the ability to insert markup into the detail pane module. Include a "getDetailSubpane" function tha…
### Describe the bug
in flux multicontrolnet when i using 2 controlnet(https://huggingface.co/promeai/FLUX.1-controlnet-lineart-promeai and https://huggingface.co/InstantX/FLUX.1-dev-Controlnet-Can…