Can we use Doc2vec and have a comparison between the similarities?
Thanks for developing this package. Do you have any plans to implement a doc2vec model in the future?
FYI. I just put doc2vec on CRAN today. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=doc2vec
Maybe this is model you want to include in this package.
After Bert and TfIdf vectors, Word2Vec will come into play. Just as there is TfIdf for document level. Implement a Doc2Vec model with current extended corpus.
Gensim provides an implementation of doc2vec. It could be a useful backend, similar to the current `tfidf` algorithm but smarter and it would maybe also allow online learning!
Using Doc2Vec as a substitute for search strings in assigning scores to articles
Hi Wang.
I'd like to know if the way I use the original doc2vec for inferring sentence/document vectors is the same I use your structural extension.
Thank you very much for sharing.
The idea is similar to what they did in the original graphSAGE paper.
You start with some articles and their relationships. They used reddit posts and same author commented relationships. In another …