Alangkah baiknya jika ebook docker yang sudah di repo ini diberi keterangan lisensinya. Lebih sip lagi jika dicantumkan nama penulis, sumber, website asal, dsb. Keterangan-keterangan tersebut bisa dit…
When setting up the repo with astro-cli I ran into this error (using an M1 Mac with colima instead of docker):
Error: error building, (re)creating or starting project containers:
Error resp…
docker run -it --mount type=bind,src="$(pwd)",dst=/app hpmor scripts/make_ebooks.sh
the resulting hpmor.html and .epub have broken umlaute in on the titlepage.
Compiling via G…
### Describe the issue
This is on a fresh install of audiobookshelf.
I added a new library for ebooks. I pointed the folder to my calibre data location and started the first scan. This maxes out the…
## All Features open to public Contributions ⭐
- [ ] -h -help parameter info in different languages
- [x] Notebooks Folder [Talked about here](https://github.com/DrewThomasson/ebook2audiobookXTTS/is…
Error while running the latest docker
> Processing time: 0.0005831718444824219
Chapter 0: 2%|▌ | 9/437 [11:08
sist2 version: 3.1.4
Platform (Linux or Docker, x86-64 or arm64): Docker
Elasticsearch version: 7.7.19
It would be great to get some common regexes that might be used for exclusions.
### Is there an existing issue for this?
- [X] I have searched the existing issues
### Current Behavior
### Expected Behavior
_No response_
### Steps To Reproduce
### What happened?
## My setup
I am hosting kavita on a machine at home, forwarding port 5000 via ssh to a vps running an nginx reverse proxy with tls on domain name. Here is the location block fr…
### Describe the issue
Settings: Find covers = no
libraries settings: 1 / 1 / 0 / 1 / 1 / 0 / 0
folder structure:
name of author > name of series > volumes (vol 01 - name of Volume) > ebook fold…