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fog.io, referenced as a general documentation site returns "404: Page not found".
Design tokens will release as Paragon 23. We will still want to have a documentation site for Paragon 22. We will also want to have a documentation site for Paragon "Next" (branch with breaking change…
It will live under `docs.koren.dev/Kezdi.jl`. Write a github action to build documention and push it to that site. (ChatGTP helps.)
I'm starting to study how to implement Helios Voting at my university, but I encountered a bunch of broken links at:
My main concern is about http://documentat…
I will create an API documentation site using `mkdocks` which you can deploy easily using GitHub pages. It will have a testing feature "Try it" button, along with code generation in top languages.
I am studying aspectj and was trying this plugin. I noticed that in the [`/usage.html`](https://dev-aspectj.github.io/aspectj-maven-plugin/usage.html) page there were some maven variables that were no…
Hi Kelsey
Thanks a lot for your project and documentation around Kubernetes.
As I came across your repo, I just wondered, what do you think about a MkDocs variant of your documentation repo? Wou…
I can swear - I read all of it, but never found any mention what exactly is "Creative mode"? This option available at any time, but I can't guess - for what? Not mentioned on the instruction site too,…
### Tasks
- [x] Mermaid flow graphs are not rendered at documentation site
- [x] Add dokka generated API reference
- [ ] Automatically generate graph specification with GitHub Action…