Traceback (most recent call last):
File "main.py", line 136, in
File "main.py", line 132, in main
atari_learn(env, task.env_id, num_timesteps=task.max_timesteps, double_dqn=dou…
DQN: Y = r + gamma * max(Q'(s'))
Double DQN: Y = r + gamma * Q'(s', argmax(Q(s')))
## Problem Description
Hi I would like to add the double DQN algorithm to cleanrl. Can someone give me the go-ahead?
当使用demo_DQN_Dueling_Double_DQN 训练结束的的pt文件无法作为测试时的权重文件 ,是否需要将保存pt文件
由torch.save(actor, actor_path)
更改为torch.save(actor.state_dict(), actor_path)
From my understanding the target network updates are implemented wrong in the notebook Double-Dueling-DQN.ipynb.
As it updates the same step as the main network (every 4th). In this simple environmen…
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
43 try:
44 clear_output(True)
---> 45 plot_all_data(log_dir, env_i…
I haven't been able to reproduce the results of the Breakout benchmark with Double DQN when using similar hyperparameter values than the ones presented in the original paper. After more than 20M obser…
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Buscar aplicações de RL no Mario Kart, com o objetivo de mapear as aplicações comuns para conseguirmos propor algoritmos inovações a partir de algoritmos recentes.
Os artigos também são importantes p…