> ```
> # Progress Tracker
> ```
> ## DSA
> * [ ] Complete Git & GitHub Course
> * [ ] Introduction to Programming
> * * [ ] Types of languages
> * * [ ] Memory management…
**description :** In isSafe method below loop is intended to check if the number we are trying to insert is already available in the row or not. But below loop is iterating over columns and not on row…
Would Like to contribute to repo by adding some quality questions and helpfull links .
Kindly assign the issue to me
Thank You
I am writing this to let u kn…
I search for it,
I can only see the notes that you have explained in the video.
As you mentioned in the video (Notes you have written) please update it
if it already exists please drop the link
while trying to open .pdf it shows Unable to render code block, please clear this query.
This link is not opening :( Please help!