I hope this request aligns with the interests of fellow contributors. I regularly use APSIM to simulate crop production for "what-if" scenarios, and I’m exploring the possibility of inte…
DSSAT is a crop model used in various CGIAR centers, available here https://github.com/DSSAT/dssat-csm-os. It would be great to have it available in JupyterLab.
I am getting a floating-point exception error while running CROPSIM-Wheat. What would be a better way to resolve this issue? Do I need to remove RSWT on Line 1022 or add RSWT on Line 1023?
Hi there
After creating an example in both DSSAT and DSSATTools I'v noticed with the totally same setting could receive different values in two environment and was wondering is that possible or I'v do…
Really like the improved, multi-planting date modification! One issue I found: Currently the harvest date is set for 180 days from the last planting date picked up. This causes an issue for Kenya, par…
After I changed my weather database, the algorithm finds problems to continue the simulation. I just changed it from csv to a json API, the data is the same and the Weather function works normally. I'…
Hello, when I use DSSATTools for corn simulation, I found that the parameter name of the timetable is different from the example, there is a parameter “IRVAL” in the example, but the value is wrong at…
Long pathnames fail in CSCER etc. code. When path to executable is long, model fails. See thread on private repo here: https://github.com/DSSAT/dssat-csm/issues/255
I am wondering if there is a function out there to convert DSSAT .SOL files to apsim soil profiles. I would like to use the soil data provided by Han et al. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science…
1-Error in data download of weather data. Rainfall, TMax & TMin weather data being downloaded for one year only and the rest of the years being downloaded as NA.
See error here:~/agwise-datasourci…