**Describe the problem you have/What new integration you would like**
I want to create a DCF77 clock emulator.
**Please describe your use case for this integration and alternatives you've trie…
- Catch AIS, ADS and similar traffic
- Listen in on VHF and other transmissions
- See DVB streams - well, duh
- Possibly do other _long range_ transmission protocols like [WSPR](https://en.wikipedia.o…
How are you guys getting away with using what appears to be a standard AT-cut crystal with the ATmega328PB on the Uno R4 board? Did you build those prior to the Microchip's change to get rid of the f…
For example, this [Release](https://github.com/AllanOricil/esp32-mfa-totp-generator/releases/tag/v0.6.0) has a build for the CYD. How can I configure esptool-js to use the release files, from .zip, an…
I am going to build a cw keyer and I wish to use I2C display to save pins.
I have an I2C lcd adaptor module with PCF8574T chip on it, may I use it? Should I uncomment the following line?
I don't know how to submit entries, but here is mine (see end of the page):
The SC/MP is an early microprocessor featured in an Elektor series from the end o…
I have the next error `cannot declare variable 'camera' to be of abstract type 'Sipeed_OV2640'`
Arduino IDE version 1.8.9 with example mobilenet and selfie
Hi. Thank you for sharing awesome code with esphome.
While I am working with wring the wind sensor devices, I am confused with some wiring problem such as resistance, GPIO etc..
Would you upload…
Magazine Elektor in its dutch March/April 2017 is publishing your 'system'.
When they talk about 'the author', I presume it is you. (if not you better have a talk with then)
I get an error when compiling Serial.begin(9600) for the ATtiny204.
When I switch chip to ATtiny404 it works fine. Results in 57% flash size. So I think Arduino Serial Library is to large to…